Basic Knowledge of Radiation and Radioisotopes 2019


2019年9月の法律名改称および公式な英訳の完成に伴い、日本アイソトープ協会は、出版されている新規放射線業務従事者向けの英文教育訓練テキスト「Basic Knowledge of Radiation and Radioisotopes (Scientific Basis, Safe Handling of Radioisotopes and Radiation Protection)」を第5版として改定することになった。その監修を、大学等放射線施設協議会が行い、日本アイソトープ協会および大学等放射線施設協議会の両webサイトで無償公開することになった。内容は第4版を踏襲しているが、全面的に用語が改定された法令・放射線障害予防規程の他、安全取扱および人体影響についても見直しが行われている。





桧垣 正吾


Scientific Basis

柴田 理尋


Safe Handling

平田 雄一


Biological Effects of Radiation

松田 尚樹


The Act and Regulations

桧垣 正吾


Radiation Hazards Prevention Program

桧垣 正吾







 PDFファイル(5.1MB) 2019/10/21版

● 編集・発行 日本アイソトープ協会
● 監修協力 大学等放射線施設協議会
● 判型 頁数 A4判 127頁
● 発行日 2019年10月
● ISBN 978-4-89073-273-9



I.   Introduction
1.  The Role of Radiation Workers

II.   Scientific Basis
1.  Structure of Atom
2.  Structure of Atomic Nucleus
3.  Isotopes
4.  Radioisotopes and Radioactivity
5.  Half-Life of a Radioisotope
6.  Types of Radioactive Decay
7.  X-Rays
8.  Accelerators
9.  Types of Radiation
10.  Quantities and Units Related to Radiation

III . Safe Handling
1.  Who is the Radiation Protection Staff?
2.  Protection Against External Exposure
3.  Protection Against Internal Exposure
4.  Attitude when Handling Radioisotopes and Radiation
5.  Radiation Monitoring
6.  Education and Training
7.  From Procurement to Waste management of Radioisotopes
8.  Usage of Radioisotopes and Radiation Generators
9.  Storage of Radioisotopes
10.  Discharge of Radioisotopes from facilities and radioactive waste   management
11.  Record Keeping (Radioisotopes tracking)
12.  Record Keeping (Dose)
13.  Health Surveillance
14.  Procedures at the Time of on an Accident or Emergency
15.  Procedures in the Event of Excess Exposure or Contamination

 IV.  Biological Effects of Radiation
1.  Classification of Radiation Effects on the Human Body
2.  Acute Effects
3.  Late Effects
4.  Heritable Effects
5.  Biological Effects Depend on the Dose Received
6.  Effects from External and Internal Exposures
7.  What is Equivalent Dose?
8.  What is Effective Dose?
9.  Assessment of Internal Dose
10.  Natural Radiation and Artificial Radiation
11.  Radiation and Health Effects
12.  Exposure Categories
13.  Risk
14.  Limits on Personal Exposure

V.   The Act and Regulations
1.  Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc.
2.  Hierarchy of the Act and relevant Regulations
3.  Acts and Regulations Concerning Radiation
4.  What is the Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc.?
5.  Acts and Regulations to Protect Workers
6.  Who are Radiation Workers?
7.  Who are Radiation Protection Supervisors?
8.  What is Radiation under Acts and Regulations?
9.  What is Radioisotopes?
10.  What is Radiation Generating Apparatus?
11.  What are Sealed Radioisotopes?
12.  What is the Controlled Area?
13.  What is meant by“Radiation Levels outside Controlled Areas”?
14.  Secure Specified Radioisotopes Manager

VI. Radiation Hazards Prevention Program
1.  What is the Radiation Hazards Prevention Program?

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